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The articles on this page

are in the languages in which they were published. Many of them are full texts, some are presented with abstracts and links to the publications in which they were first released.

Givre, Olivier. "Smells Like kurban Spirit". In: Ethnologia Balkanica 23:11-39.

Ivanova, T, Chervenkov, M, Kozuharova, E, Dimitrova, D. Ethnobotanical Knowledge on Herbs and Spices in Bulgarian Traditional Dry-Cured Meat Products. Diversity, 14, 6, MDPI-Basel, 2022, DOI:, 416. SJR (Scopus):0.668, JCR-IF (Web of Science):3.031

Светлана Христова. “Истории, митове и усещане за място в публичния образ на три фестивала в България“. Проблеми на постмодерността. Vol 12 (1) 2022, стр. 104-130 . Югозападен университет "Неофит Рилски" - Благоевград.

Albena Shkodrova. "Radical reformers or not quite? From vegetarianism to communist nutrition in Bulgaria: contrasts and continuities (1925-1960). In: Baltic Worlds, 2022.

Елица Стоилова. "Празници и фестивали на храните: валоризация на локалното кулинарно наследство". Университетско издателство "Паисий Хилендарски", 2021.

Елица Стоилова. "Празници и фестивали на храните: валоризация на локалното кулинарно наследство". Университетско издателство "Паисий Хилендарски", 2021.

Albena Shkodrova. “Tripe Soup for All Women!” Transgression of Gender Boundaries as Part of Female Identity in Communist and Contemporary Bulgaria. Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2021, 28(3):648-675 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2021.050

Елица Стоилова. "Културните фестивали: фестивализация, неолокализъм и гастролокализъм", 2020. 

Albena Shkodrova. (Re)digesting Communism. In "Food and Drink in Communist Europe", eds. Shkodrova, Albena, Peter Scholliers, Yves Segers, Food&History Special Issue, 18/1-2. 2020. 

Elitsa Stoilova, ‘Craft Beer Culture and Creative Industries in Plovdiv, Bulgaria’, Papers in Applied Geography, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/23754931.2020.1785533.

Eлица Стоилова. "Чиста и безопасна храна за градския консуматор. Как се модернизира производството на кисело мляко през 30-те – 40-те години на ХХ в." София, 2020,

Albena Shkodrova, ‘(Re)Digesting Communism’, Food and History 18, no. 1–2 (1 January 2020): 11–24,

Vihra Barova. "Gastrostrategies of dairy producers(based on examples from Loveshko and Smolyansko)". In Petrov, P., Iv. Petrova (eds.) "Agricultural transformations in the conditions of Europeanization and globalization," Sofia: Gutenberg, 2018,  199 -223.

Albena Shkodrova. From duty to pleasure in cookbooks of communist Bulgaria. Attitudes to food in the culinary literature for domestic cooking released between 1949 and 1989. Food, Culture&Society, 2018.

Vihra Barova. Globalizing Effects of Alternative Tourism on Local Practices and Productions (based on materials from Smolyansko). In Petrov, P., Iv. Petrova (eds.) Agricultural transformations in the conditions of Europeanization and globalization, Sofia: Gutenberg, 2018, 304-318 .

Albena Shkodrova. Investigating the history of a meaning of a dish. An enactivist approach to the life of Russian salad in 20th century Bulgaria. Volkskunde, no. 3, 2018, 343-364.

Albena Shkodrova. Revisiting Coca-Cola's "Accidental" Entry into Communist Europe. Garstonomica, Summer 2018, 59-72.

Nikolay Vukov. Traditional practices and European requirements: incarnations of tradition in regionally marked meat specialties in Bulgaria. Bulgarian folklore, 2017, issue 2, pp. 187-212.

Албена Хранова. "Професорите, кулинарната експертиза  и езикът: литературни бележки". Във: "Философия на конкретното", съставители Иван Колев и Асен Стоянов, Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски", 2016.

Албена Хранова. "Професорите, кулинарната експертиза  и езикът: литературни бележки". Във: "Философия на конкретното", съставители Иван Колев и Асен Стоянов, Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски", 2016.

Rayna Gavrilova. “Something Bulgarian for Dinner: Bulgarian Popular Cuisine as a Selling Point”, Informal Nationalism after Communism. The Everyday Construction of Post-Socialist Identities, ed. By Jeremy Morris, Emilia Pawłusz, Abel Polese and Oleksandra Seliverstova. I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd: London, New York, 144-163.

Elitsa Stoilova. The Bulgarinization of yogurt: Connecting home, taste and authenticity. In: Food and Foodways, 2015.  

Elitsa Stoilova. From a Homemade to an Industrial Product: Manufacturing Bulgarian Yogurt. 2013. The Agricultural Society. 

Elitsa Stoilova. From a Homemade to an Industrial Product: Manufacturing Bulgarian Yogurt. 2013. The Agricultural Society. 

Elitsa Stoilova. From a Homemade to an Industrial Product: Manufacturing Bulgarian Yogurt. 2013. The Agricultural Society. 

Elitsa Stoilova. From a Homemade to an Industrial Product: Manufacturing Bulgarian Yogurt. 2013. The Agricultural Society. 

Rayna Gavrilova. "Social and Cultural Evolution of Pleasure" in: Culture: borders and neighbors. In honor of Prof. Ivan Stefanov. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Publishing House, 2005, 374-390,

Rayna Gavrilova. "Social and Cultural Evolution of Pleasure" in: Culture: borders and neighbors. In honor of Prof. Ivan Stefanov. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Publishing House, 2005, 374-390,

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